More and more people are entering the Network Marketing. Many have Robert Kyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad. Many have come to realise the futility of being just an employee. An EMPLOYEE sells himself to the EMPLOYER providing numerous precious hours of the Employee's time. The Employee make lots of money for the Employer in return for..often...a fixed salary. Some Employee have the privilege of having fixed salary plus commission.
If we take a hundred people who graduate from college or university and we follow them through their career, The 45 year plan, at the end of their career here is what happens to them:
• 29% are Dead
• 29% are Dead
• 63% depend on family or state (Dead broke)
• 4% are well off (Can meet their needs and don’t need charity)
• 1% are wealthy (Living the lifestyle of their dreams)
This is the system we are living in right now by concluded market research. This economy is broken! Why is that the case? We have a University system that teaches you how to be a worker drone in the collective! You go to school and get an education, then you get a job and work in the 45 year plan and then you retire and live your golden years depending on other people. What a wonderful concept!
Let’s explore this a little further. When you work for someone else as an employee your employer has what is called leverage on your time. They have to buy you at £18000/pa and sell you at £24000/pa. The corporation, the franchise, restaurant, whatever the entity/business is they have to make money on you. You live in what is known as the – TIME 4 MONEY TRAP. The more time you give your employer the more money you make. The less time you give your employer the less money you make. You work for 8 hrs you get paid for 8 hrs. You work 4 hrs, you get paid for 4hrs. If you are not there working you get nothing, it is LINIER income. You are in a line of work without security! And probably a line of work you don’t enjoy. Even if you are a highly paid consultant you are still considered to be in the time 4 money trap. If this is you then do keep reading.
So what is the answer?
There is an industry now that is creating more millionaires than any other industry around. It is a growth industry that is set probably to top any other in sales. It has done in the last few years £50 billion plus in sales of the most cutting edge technology, services and various products that never would have made it in the traditional method of business marketing. What is this industry? Network Marketing. You may say, “Oh no not MLM again!” and roll your eyes but ask yourself this question: “Am I completely satisfied with my lifestyle today and does it provide me with the opportunity to work half the year and take the other half of for extensive vacation?” If the answer is NO then you need to take a serious look at this business.
Network Marketing is a method of moving products and services from the manufacturer to the end consumer through the most powerful method of advertisement: Personal recommendation or “Word of Mouth”.
What do you do when a friend has seen a good movie and they tell you about it, you go see the movie! Now, what would happen if your friend was paid a royalty commission every time someone he has told goes and sees the movie, He would tell more people about the movie! I think you would want to know about it too wouldn’t you? That is what we do in this business.